
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy birthday Jane!

Its 12am, 16th of March... Happy Birthday JANE!!! My friend for a more than a decade. :)

I wish you all the best in your future undertakings,

wish you to have your life lived to the fullest every single day,

always being happy with GL,

and always always always be fit ya!!!



Recently, almost every Malaysian including Singaporeans and even other people who cares about the arena in the politics have been talking a lot about the recent political issue in Malaysia. Well, I know it’s a big thing, that the opposition party had secure many seats in the Parliament as well as winning a total of 4 states. This impacts not only the politic but also economy of the nation. There are people who are over-joy about the changes that had never happened before. People sees it as a good start, which Malaysians are really standing up for themselves and for once brave enough to vote for their voice. They claimed with the decrease in seats secured by the BN, now we have balance in power.

We are happy though to see balance in power but is that change really good? It’s a change and it’s a fixed fact at least for now until 4 years later, but we will never know the direction of the change. Changing to be better or worse is still a question. Before anything amendment could be done, what’s posted in the newspaper was some protest shown by some people (you know who if u read the paper) in the Penang state.

When many are so excited about the major change in our country, I stood quietly and listening to many critical opinions from others because to me its not equity that matters, its peace. What’s most important is a good change not just mere a change. J Let’s cross our finger so that what most of us are happy about will turn out to be truly a positive change.


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