Term break...
After some snack at the HK cafe at JP, we reach hall at almost 4. So, we didnt plan to sleep since, I will have to meet Jane and GL at 630! Super early~ Hehe...
Our bus was at 8am. Reached home at around noon ba. Home was as usual, cozy and comfortable~ Yay, I resumed catching up with my TVB drama series. Managed to complete 2 sets! Keng hor... :P
Mum and I did some kuih for the family. Nice le... *yummy*.
On tuesday, Cy and I drove up to KL. A day trip to the city. LOL We went shopping at Mid Valley before meeting Ivy and the rest at the Curve. Lunch was at Manhanttan Fishmarket. Well, we were actually quite dissapointed with the food. The fish was not fresh, and the set were not served to veg! *annoyed* LOL
After shopping, we finally wanna leave mid valley and go to Curve. Gosh, we were stuck in the jam for 1 and a half hours! Arghh, that's why I dislike KL. :P Prefer MRT... haha
Went for dinner with Ivy, XS, hui, Jolene, Jo neil, June and rena. :) Its fun meeting them up. Everyone is working already. And I feel so childish when I tell them I still have quizzes, presentation, meetings.. bleah~
Dinner was super good at Bubba Gum Shrimp.
Yep, that's the end of my term break even though to be exact, there are another 4 days to go before school resume officially. But, there should be no playing! Instead, I need to catch up with readings, revision, preparations for tests and presentations, and also tuition! PSLE is next month! *hope that my tutee can do well* Haizz
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