
Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Just to add more sound evidence to my protest against the claims from many many non-qualified psychologist, I ate 3 slices of regular pizza, 1 ice cream cone and quarter chai fan for my dinner! Bleah...

Anyway, as I was reading my 314, I realise labeling really don't make anyone, be it the 'patient' or the people who care for him or her better. Labelling someone as a juvenile, autistic, anorexic, ADHD , depressed, etc etc and list goes on are just names we create to make these 'abnormal' people into categories. Yes, it may enhance what ever treatment of intervention according to their level of seriousness, but the name which has been tagged to them seems to be there forever.

Informal labelling seems most scrutinizing. Can you imagine any of the extended family members, usually those kepo kepo aunties came and crowd together and gossip as though they know what's really behind the labels which the professionals gave. Its difficult for the parents to bear, and even more difficult for the child to handle.

This might just lead to learned helplessness which eventually means WHITE FLAG. We surrender. Yes, I admit we are like this... we have a child who is like this. What can we do about it? Its genetics, its biological, its innate, its not our fault.... And again these are attributions made by helpless parents towards their even more helpless kid.

Hmmm... this then lead to invidious triangle proposed by Pianta and Walsh who are genious to propose that looking at a problem from a single tip of point (child or family or school) will only drown the child right in to middle of it, get everyone else off the responsibility and back to the beginning. Nothing will get improved.

Alright. Its enough of typing so much. *tired*


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